A Polymath is a person whose knowledge spans a substantial number of subjects. Polymaths are rare. Yes they are very rare because being a Polymath requires intelligence, creativity and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. 


Polymathy is defined by Michael Espindola Araki1 and Angela J. Cotellessa  in the following way

Polymathy—vocational and avocational pursuits in multiple domains—is deeply associated with creativity and innovation, and that its development enables the creation of important bridges between otherwise fragmented, dispersed
sets of knowledge.


You can read more about the fabulous research study here

what is a polymath
A polymath is an individual who is knowledgeable and highly skilled in many different areas of study. They are typically well-versed across a wide range of disciplines, including the sciences, humanities, and arts. Polymaths have been around since ancient times, most famously exemplified through figures such as Leonardo da Vinci, who was a painter, mathematician, engineer, and sculptor. Today, a polymath is someone who has a deep understanding of multiple fields and is able to combine them in unique and creative ways.

A polymath is someone who has expertise in multiple fields. These people are often able to produce work that spans different disciplines and areas of study.

A polymath is someone who has a wide-ranging knowledge in a number of different subjects.

A polymath is someone who has a wide-ranging knowledge in a number of different subjects. The word comes from the Greek language and means "having learned much." Polymaths are often found working in many fields, as they have many skills and interests.

A polymath is a person who has expertise in various fields and can apply that knowledge to solve complex problems.

The term comes from the ancient Greek and means "having learned much." Polymaths are often called Renaissance people because they have diverse interests. 



Keep Reading

1. 18 Inspiring and Enchanting Self Actualization Examples given by Abraham Maslow Himself

 2. Self Actualization Meaning: Why is it different for Different People?

3. 9 Fascination Self Actualization Examples for Everyone who loves Psychology

4. 70 Legendary Self Actualization Quotes to help you in your Self Actualization Journey 

5. Self Actualization Journey: 6 Things you can do in the next 24 Hours to kick start your Self Actualization Journey 


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