self discovery worksheets for adults pdf


 The greatest discovery in life is self-discovery. Until you find yourself you will always be someone else. Become yourself.” — Myles Munroe

“As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world - that is the myth of the atomic age - as in being able to remake ourselves.”

Mahatma Gandhi 

More Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults pdf

I am writing a book on Self Discovery for adults and I love researching more and more about self Discovery. Read more about my self discovery 

It is a long and rewarding journey.

I came across some websites that provide free self discovery worksheets f0r adults pdf. Some of them are 

1. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #1

Therapist Aid Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf

This is one of the best Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults in pdf versions. You know why? Beause  this Self Discovery Worksheet focuses on Values that we cherish. If we understand our values we can be more successful in our Self Exploration aka Self Discovery Journey.

2.  Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #2

Learning Strands  Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults pdf

3. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #3

Another Fabulous Self Discovery Worksheet for Adults in pdf version. This is from Destiny's Odyssey Website and is an 11 page Pdf document. Best for Self Discovery and Goal Setting Workshops.

Destiny's Odyssey Self Discovery Worksheet for Adults

4. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #4

This Self Discovery Worksheet is from the Counseling Center of College of Charleston. This Self Discovery Worksheet for Adult focuses on finding purpose in life.

Self Discovery Worksheet to find purpose in life by COFC

5. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #5

A lovely Self Discovery Worksheet for Adults from Psychic Source. I personally love the Wheel of Life Assessment and Wheel of Abundance in this 10 page Worksheet. It is very important in the Journey of Self Discovery.

A Journey Of Self-Discovery: Finding Your True Self And Visualizing Success

6. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #6

Self Discovery Worksheets by Marbie's Kitchen

7. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #7

A 69 page Self Discovery Ebook by STIR Steps Toward Independence and Responsibility

Self Discovery WorkBook by STIR

8. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #8

Self Discovery Worksheet by Cognitive Heights. No sign up required.

9. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #9

A 3 page Self Discovery Worksheet for Adults. No sign up required. you can access he pdf version from blog post page.

10. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #10

Happier Mind Journal. Lovely website. Lovely Printables. No sign up required to download the pdf versions of Self Discovery Worksheet for Adults. I really like the Self Awareness Happiness Assessment Printable.

11. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #11

This is a very unique kind of Self Discovery Worksheet for Adults (Pdf version). It is different because it is made for Special Students with Different Abilities. It is made by the U.S. Department of Education. Download or Print this 111 page Self Discovery Worksheet here.

An Educational Journey from Self Discovery to Advocacy A Handbook for Students

12. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #12

Another Self Discovery Worksheet from Sidran Foundation and Press. You can view and print it here. This self Discovery Worksheet for Adults pdf taps into Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Behaviour. It can also be used by Mental Health Professionals to asses themselves and their clients or patients.

13. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #13

The Happiness Trap Blog offers this Wonderful 84 page Self Discovery Workbook. The Focus is on ACT. (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy)

14. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #14  & Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #15

Family Center Therapy of Bethesda has two Beautiful Self Discovery Worksheets on their website. These worksheets are made for teens but are wonderful for adults too

Explore your Core Values

RISE Challenge: Good Things about Me, Family , School and the World

16. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #16

Winona State University has a wonderful Self Discovery Worksheet that focus on the strengths a person has

Strengths of Character Worksheet

17. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #17

A 20 page Self Discovery Worksheet for Adults pdf  by Kuder Career Assessment Organization. Perfect for Self Discovery Workshops. Uploaded with the permission from Kuder Organization.

A little complicated but totally worth the time and effort.

Embarking on the Voyage of Self Discovery

18. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #18

Self Awareness Exercise: Gamechangers at The Circus

19. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf #19

My Journey of Self Discovery for Autistic Adults and Parents to Autistic kids

20. Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults Pdf # 20

15 page Self Discovery and Self Acceptance Workbook by CCI (Center for Clinical Intervention)

A Comprehensive Guide to Taking Control of Your Life With Free Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults PDF

Unlocking Your Hidden Potential With Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults


You're capable of so much more than you realize. You have untapped potential, and it's time to start unlocking it.

One way to do this is through self-discovery. This involves exploring who you are, what you want, and what you're capable of. And the best way to do this is through self discovery worksheets for adults.

But not just any worksheets. The ones we've got for you are specially designed to help you unlock your hidden potential. They're easy to use, and best of all, they're free!

So what are you waiting for? Start exploring today!

What Is a Self Discovery Worksheet?

Self discovery worksheets can be a great way to help you unlock your hidden potential.

They're designed to help you explore different areas of your life, and to figure out what you want out of them. They can provide a space for you to list your goals and aspirations, as well as track your progress over time.

Think of them as a personal road map that will help you navigate your way to success.

How Will Self Discovery Worksheets Benefit Me?

The self-discovery worksheets for adults can help you tap into your hidden potential and bring out the best in yourself.

Imagine if you could identify your personal strengths and weaknesses? How would that change the way you live your life? When you know yourself well, you can work on improving your weaker areas and maximizing your strengths.

But that's not all. These worksheets can also help you uncover your passions and motivations, understand your fears and doubts, and figure out what truly makes you happy. Once you know what your heart desires, it becomes so much easier to move towards it.

All of this is possible with just a little bit of self-exploration. So go ahead and give the worksheets a try – the benefits are definitely worth it!

What Are the Different Types of Self Discovery Worksheets?

When it comes to self discovery worksheets for adults, there are a few different types you can choose from. The first is goal setting worksheets, which can help you identify what it is you want to achieve in life. The second type is personality quizzes, which can give you some insight into your character and the way you think. The third type is dream analysis, which can help you better understand your subconscious mind and the things that inspire you.

Ultimately, it's up to you which type of self discovery worksheet you want to use. But remember that the more information you have about yourself, the easier it will be to unlock your hidden potential and achieve your goals.

How to Use a Self Discovery PDF Worksheet

Using a self-discovery PDF worksheet is the perfect way to get the motivation you need to start exploring your hidden potential. Here’s a few tips for getting the most out of your worksheet:

- Take some time to reflect on who you are and what you want. The worksheet is designed to help you explore questions such as “What are my goals?” and “What do I really want out of life?”. Take some time to really consider these questions, and use them as a starting point for further exploration.

- Don't be afraid to break out of your comfort zone. Push yourself to answer questions honestly, or take on tasks or activities that challenge you in new ways. The more open and honest you can be with yourself, the more success you will have with self-discovery.

- Keep an open mind. Asking yourself these difficult questions may be uncomfortable, but it can also lead to profound insights that can help shape your future. So stay open-minded, focus on growth, and don't be afraid to challenge yourself!

Tips for Using Self Discovery Worksheets Successfully

Self Discovery Worksheets for Adults are a great way to dig deep and learn more about yourself. But in order to get the most out of them, here are a few tips I suggest you follow.

Firstly, don't rush yourself. Take your time to think about each question and answer it as honestly as you can. If you rush into it, chances are you won't be able to access your true feelings or gain any meaningful insight.

Secondly, try to avoid making judgements about yourself (or others) when working through the worksheets. Remember that these are intended as tools for self-exploration and understanding - not criticism. Don't worry if you don't have all the answers right away; that's all part of the learning process!

Thirdly, don't forget to take breaks. Working on Self Discovery Worksheets can be mentally and emotionally exhausting, so make sure you take regular breaks throughout to give your mind (and body!) some time off. This will help ensure that every session is productive - and enjoyable!

Benefits of Using Self Discovery Worksheets

Self-discovery worksheets are an excellent tool for anyone who wants to get to know themselves a little bit better and uncover any hidden potential. Working with self-discovery worksheets can be both informative and fun - they give you the opportunity to explore your thoughts, feelings and ideas, while also teaching you more about yourself in the process.

The benefits of using self-discovery worksheets are vast - first, they help you gain insight into your own mind and heart, allowing you to see things from a different perspective. You'll also be able to identify areas where you excel or have strengths that you weren’t aware of before - this can help boost your confidence. Additionally, these worksheets allow you to gain an understanding of different perspectives and strengthen your decision-making skills, helping you make informed decisions whenever faced with a challenge.


When it comes to self-discovery, there's no one-size-fits-all answer. What works for one person might not work for another. That's why it's important to explore different techniques and try different self-discovery worksheets for adults until you find the ones that work best for you.

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