Healthy Rituals

When I was studying Psychology, Health Psychology was one of my favourite subjects.

We used to study research Studies about healthy habits, healthy rituals and anticancer diets.

How sportsman and celebrities gave more  importance  to their bodies?

How entrepreneurs tend to sacrifice many hours of their sleep.

We Studied that men are more likely to suffer from heartache due to  economic stress.

Healthy Rituals have always inspired me .

I want to learn, research and share many habits that can save us from diseases and disorders.

Healthy Ritual # 1
Drinking lemon water early in the morning. Before eating anything else, we should drink warm water infused with lemon. It is very food for Weight loss. It gives a glow to the face. Tried and Tested tip. But, do not eat anything after drinking lemon water. Drink 2 glasses of water after 20 or 30 minutes of lemon water. Eat after 10 minutes.

Healthy Ritual # 2
 Walking and Green tea after food.

Healthy Rituals # 3
put kalonji (black seed ) in every food.

Healthy Rituals # 4
Do not drink water after food. Do not take a bath after food.

Healthy Rituals # 5
Organic Home grown food is better than Processed food

Healthy Rituals # 6
Apply olive oil in the belly button before going to sleep

Healthy Rituals # 7
Morning walk barefoot on green grass

Healthy Rituals # 8
1 glass water before all meals

Healthy Rituals # 9
Breakfast as a king, Dinner as a beggar

Healthy Rituals # 10
Apply oil on feet for better eyesight

Healthy Rituals # 11
The Six Best Doctors

Healthy Rituals # 12
Golden Milk
Drink Turmeric plus warm milk. Tried and tested. It is good for constipation and it is wonderful for lovely skin. Helps to give shine to face and body. Turmeric is anti-cancerous and anti-inflammatory.
Golden Milk is recommended after surgery and c-section too. This is because turmeric helps in healing of stitches and internal body parts.

Healthy Rituals # 13
Cold Water Bath in Summer and Warm water Bath in Winter
Cold water bath helps to rejuvenate body and some people have reported losing weight after a cold water bath.  Some people have achieved glowing skin with cold water bath.
On the other hand, Japanese healthy rituals recommend warm water baths for weight loss. One example is a Sauna.

To be continued
I will add many Japanese Healthy Rituals too

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