ADHD and ADD Difference


Both ADHD and ADD are the same medical condition. The main difference between them is that some people with ADHD have symptoms of inattention, compared to those with ADD who have hyperactivity. The three subtypes of ADHD are inattentive type (also called "ADD"), hyperactive/impulsive type and combined type.

Both ADHD and ADD are the same medical condition, with the same symptoms, causes, and treatment.

In fact, both ADHD and ADD are the same medical condition. The terms are interchangeable, but they're not exactly the same thing.

ADD is an outdated term that has been replaced by "Attention Deficit Disorder," or ADD. It's important to remember that these two conditions are not different illnesses; they're just different names for the same thing!

There are three subtypes of ADHD.

There are three subtypes of ADHD.

  • Predominantly Inattentive Type: This type is characterized by inattention and Hyperactivity-Impulsivity, but not hypervigilance or mental health issues. People with this type may be unable to complete tasks that require sustained focus and attention to detail, such as schoolwork and household chores. They also may have difficulty maintaining personal relationships because they can’t follow through on promises made to others (e.g., missing deadlines).

  • Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: These individuals experience more impulsivity than those who have primarily inattentional problems, although their level of hyperactivity is no greater than other children with ADHD (and often less). They may talk excessively or interrupt others during conversations or family gatherings; engage in “risky” behaviors like getting into fights; engage in physical activity despite safety concerns; engage in excessive gambling; use drugs/alcohol excessively despite adverse consequences; develop addictive personalities later in life

The term "ADD" is outdated, but is still commonly used.

The term "ADD" is outdated, but is still commonly used. This can be confusing for people who have not heard of ADD before.

It's important to note that the term "ADD" was originally intended to refer only to attention deficit disorder (ADHD) – a condition characterized by an excessive focus on short-term tasks and a lack of focus on long-term goals or consequences. It wasn't until later in the 20th century that we started using this term as shorthand for all forms of hyperactivity, impulsivity and distractibility; nowadays most people use it interchangeably with ADHD when referring specifically to its symptoms without any further explanation about what exactly causes them in different people

People with ADHD have a hard time focusing on tasks they find boring or uninteresting.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects the brain and can cause a person to have trouble focusing on tasks they find boring or uninteresting. People with ADHD have difficulty paying attention and controlling their behavior, which makes it hard for them to focus on tasks they find less interesting than others.

People with ADHD may also have difficulties with organization, time management, decision-making, organization skills and follow-through. This makes it difficult for them to complete projects at school or work without making mistakes along the way.

There is no difference between ADHD and ADD, but many people still use the term "ADD."

The term "ADD" is outdated. Many people still use it, even though it's been replaced with the more accurate term "ADHD." ADD stands for attention deficit disorder, but it's not an actual condition. Instead, it describes a group of symptoms that can affect anyone at any age—not just children or teens with ADHD.

ADHD and ADD are two different conditions that have similar symptoms but very different causes and treatments. They are both also lifelong conditions; there's no cure yet for either one!


In summary, there is no difference between ADHD and ADD. However, many people use the term "ADD" because it's a shortened version of "attention deficit disorder," which was once considered a separate condition.

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