CAREER PREPARATION FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS (Taking Control of Your Future Now: A High Schooler's Guide to Successful Career Preparation)



When it comes to your future, the earlier you start planning, the better. That's why we've put together this guide to help high school students get a head start on their career preparation.

Inside, you'll find tips on everything from assessing your interests and skills to networking and building your professional network. So whether you're just starting to think about your career options or you're ready to take the next step, this guide will help you get prepared for what's ahead.

Understand Your Professional Goals

You may have no idea what you want to do with your life yet, and that's perfectly normal. But it's important to start thinking about your professional goals and what you need to do to achieve them.

The first step is understanding what you want. What are your interests? What are your strengths? What do you want to do every day? Once you have a good idea of what you're looking for, start doing some research. Talk to people in the industry, read articles and blogs, and see what kind of education and experience is needed for the job you're interested in.

Start Exploring Your Options

You should start exploring your options as soon as possible. This means looking into the different careers that interest you, and finding out what it takes to pursue them. Talk to your parents, teachers and other adults you trust about their experiences in their careers. See if they can introduce you to people working in fields you're interested in.

The more you learn, the better equipped you'll be to make decisions about your future. Don't be afraid to ask questions—that's what this guide is for!

Beat the Competition

So you're in high school and you're starting to think about your future. Good for you! The sooner you start planning, the better your chances of achieving your goals.

But how do you get started? One of the best ways to take control of your future is to beat the competition. And to do that, you need to know what they're doing.

That's where your research comes in. Find out what the top colleges are, what the top majors are, and what the top jobs are. Then find out how you can set yourself apart from the competition. What makes you special? What can you offer that they can't?

Knowledge is power, so arm yourself with as much information as possible and use it to your advantage. The more prepared you are, the better your chances of success.

Enhance Your Resume

Now that you’ve identified the jobs and industries you’re interested in, it’s time to start beefing up your resume. Since you likely don't have any work experience yet, consider adding any internships or volunteer experiences you've had. You can even include special skills or awards that demonstrate your commitment to a particular area or interest.

And don’t forget to highlight your extracurricular activities as well. From student government to drama club or athletics, there are so many fantastic activities in high school that employers look for! Make sure to include these on your resume, as they can show an employer your ability to manage multiple obligations and develop positive relationships with different kinds of people.

Also, make sure to review any documents you send out with cover letters or emails. Get a friend (or teacher) if possible, to read over it too and provide feedback before submitting! With these tips under your belt, you'll be well on your way to taking control of your future now!

Build a Network of Contacts

Making connections with professionals in the field you’re interested in is a great way to start building your career while still in high school. These relationships can help you get hands-on experience and advice that’s invaluable in today’s job market.

Reach out to people who work in the industry through informational interviews, summer internships, or mentorship programs. This will help you understand the necessary skills and acquire contacts that could one day be of use for a job opportunity. Plus, it can give you a glimpse of what could be your future life; it's all about expanding your horizons and understanding what the real world looks like! If there are any family members, neighbors, or teachers who work in your desired field, ask if they can introduce you to their networks.

It’s estimated that 80 percent of jobs are obtained through networking so take advantage of this now and cultivate relationships with contacts from different areas: employers, alumni from college/university programs related to your field, or online groups dedicated to professional development. You never know who might help you get where you want to go.

Ensure Your Success With Interviews

When it comes to career preparation during high school, interviews are a crucial part of the process. It’s important to understand how to prepare for an interview and handle yourself during one. You’ll want to research the company you’re applying to and practice common interview questions. Knowing your resume and being able to articulate your experiences is key when speaking with potential employers.

It can be helpful to practice interviewing with friends and family, or even by yourself in the mirror. During an interview, be sure to make eye contact, listen intently, answer questions clearly and concisely, and think before you speak. Additionally, dress appropriately for the industry you’re entering. For example, if you’re interviewing for a job in business or tech, go for a more formal look with a professional suit.

Last but not least, follow up with your interviewer after the meeting – whether it be a thank-you note or email – so they remember you as someone who is organized and courteous. Remember that although interviews may seem intimidating at first, they can also be great opportunities to stand out from your competition!


So, what should you do to ensure a successful future career? Here are a few essential tips:

1. Stay focused in school and take your studies seriously.

2. Start planning and researching your career options early.

3. Get involved in extracurricular activities and build your resume.

4. Connect with professionals in your desired field and learn from their experiences.

5. Take advantage of all the resources your school and community have to offer.

With a little hard work and planning, you can put yourself on the path to a successful and fulfilling career. Congratulations on taking control of your future!

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