How to keep a routine with ADHD


Have you ever tried to keep a routine with ADHD? If so, you know how difficult it can be. You might find yourself constantly forgetting things, having trouble focusing on the task at hand and then feeling guilty because you haven't done anything. But there are ways around this! In this post we'll talk about some creative ways to make sure your daily tasks don't get forgotten or missed.

Write down when you do things.

To keep a routine with ADHD, you need to write down what you do and when. For example: "I go to work at 7am." Or "I get my coffee in the morning." This is especially helpful if your job involves lots of meetings or travel—it will help you remember where and when things happen. Writing down your daily schedule is also a great way to track progress so that you know if something isn't working well enough yet (like being late for work).

Try a few different ways to write down your tasks, and see which one works best for you.

The next step is to try a few different ways to write down your tasks, and see which one works best for you.

  • Try a planner: If you like the accountability of having your tasks laid out in front of you every day, then this might be an option for you. You can use a daily planner or even just set up an online calendar so that all of your appointments and deadlines are easily accessible at any time. The advantage here is that it can be very useful when trying to stay on top of things if there are multiple people involved in completing certain projects or tasks (like parents helping with homework). It also makes sure that nothing slips through the cracks!

  • Try a calendar: If possible, invest in one dedicated solely towards keeping track of all-things ADHD related—this will help ensure consistency between what needs doing and when it needs doing as well as giving everyone involved better visibility into their responsibilities throughout each week/month/etc., which helps keep things from getting overlooked or forgotten about altogether!

Use it as an excuse to have some fun.

  • Make a list of things you want to do.

  • Put them in order of priority, and try to do the fun things first, then the boring things later. If you finish your list before doing other things that aren't on there, then great! You can move onto those next.

Write notes for yourself for what you need to do then and there.

If you have ADHD, it can be hard to keep up with your daily tasks. You may find yourself forgetting or putting things off for later and then missing the deadline. To help with this, write down what needs to be done and when in advance so that there's no confusion later on down the line when it comes time for those tasks.

In addition, make sure that everything is written out in an organized way so that everything is easy-to-find when needed (like having your calendar visible at all times). You could also use sticky notes or post-it notes instead of writing everything out on a piece of paper; just make sure they're visible where they'll always be seen!

Make goals for yourself that are easy to keep track of.

  • Make goals for yourself that are easy to keep track of.

It's easy to get overwhelmed when you have ADHD and your life is full of tasks at once, but you can also make it easier on yourself by creating small goals that will help keep things organized. For example: Say you want to go hiking with friends this weekend but want to spend more time with them before they leave town again next month. To make sure the trip happens without any setbacks or conflicts with work deadlines, start by picking out one day out of every week when everyone can meet up and plan the trip together (and perhaps even take some extra hours). Then pick another day during those same weeks where each person should be able to get their own thing done so no one gets left behind!

Don't be afraid to ask for help from a friend or family member with keeping track of your tasks.

When you're struggling to keep a routine, it can be tempting to try and do everything yourself. However, this isn't the best way to succeed at living in the moment. It's important that you ask for help when you need it—and don't be afraid of accepting help from others when offered!

Asking for assistance is an important part of maintaining a healthy routine and managing your ADHD symptoms. You may want someone else's input so that they can remind or encourage you about where your attention should be focused next. Or perhaps another person will have specific skills or interests that complement yours; if so, asking their advice could help make sure all aspects of your day are covered satisfactorily (for example: "Can I borrow some paper so I can write down my grocery list?").

Understand that you're going to forget things occasionally, and don't beat yourself up over it.

ADHD is not a disability you can get rid of with a quick fix. It's an illness that requires time and peace of mind. You might forget things occasionally, but remember that it's okay to make mistakes! Don't beat yourself up when you forget something important—that's just part of life with ADHD.

If you feel like your day has been ruined by forgetting an appointment or forgetting something else important along the way, don't hesitate to ask for help from friends or family members who may be able to help keep track of all your obligations so that they don’t pile up on top of each other too quickly.

It's important to have a good routine but even though ADHD can make it difficult, there are ways to work around it.

It's important to have a good routine but even though ADHD can make it difficult, there are ways to work around it. For example, you can start your day by going to bed at the same time every night (or at least close enough); this will help you sleep better and wake up more refreshed.

If you struggle with consistency in regards to your daily schedule or routine, try taking breaks during the day where you don't do anything productive or active (e.g., reading). This way when you go back into whatever process that requires focus and attention later on in the day or evening (e.g., working), things will be less stressful because they've been broken up over multiple hours instead of being spread out over just one sitting period like they might otherwise be if done continuously throughout each day/night cycle without interruption."


It's important to have a good routine, but it's also important to be flexible. You may have to adjust your goals and tasks as you go along, and that's okay. If you don't feel like doing something today, for example, try asking someone else for help or just taking a break from working on it at all.

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