
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects millions of people. It can make it difficult to stay motivated, plan, and focus. But you don't have to be defined by your ADHD symptoms—you can create a routine that helps you overcome them.

Find Your Motivation

To make a routine that works for you, it is important to know what motivates you. You can use this information to guide your choice of activities while also helping you figure out how to get yourself started when the going gets tough.

For example, if one of your goals is to improve at sports and fitness, then running or going to the gym would be great options for motivating yourself every day. If another goal is to improve in school or work by getting good grades, doing extra reading and studying could help with that goal as well. Maybe staying up late doing homework isn't your idea of fun—but maybe writing an article about why exercising helps with ADHD (like this one!) will make all those early morning workouts feel worth it!

Here's a list of things that might motivate someone else:

  • Doing something enjoyable like playing video games or watching movies

  • Achieving difficult tasks like learning a new skill or completing a project at work

  • Helping others meet their goals by coaching them through tough times

Be Proactive

When you are proactive about your life, you take control of your situation. You’re not waiting for something to happen that will change your circumstances or force you to act differently; rather, you’re taking responsibility for making things happen.

Being proactive means thinking ahead and planning for things that may come up in the future so they don't catch you off guard. This can include having a set schedule each day, planning out one week at a time (or longer), and setting aside time each week for tasks such as cleaning house or getting groceries done early in case something comes up unexpectedly. Being proactive also means working on goals that are important to achieving what matters most in life—like school assignments or career advancement—and following through with them instead of putting them off until later or never getting around to doing them at all!

Create a Framework

After you've identified all the tasks and routines you want to create, it's time to put them in order. If this is your first time getting organized, consider making a list of the things you want to do in order (and by priority). For example:

  • Exercise routine

  • Morning routine (wake up at 6 am; brush teeth; etc.)

  • Showering routine

  • Lunch making/eating schedule

  • Dinner making/eating schedule

Image by Tara Winstead @Pexels

Use Lists and Calendars

  • Use Lists and Calendars

To help you organize your tasks, use a list to keep track of what you need to do. Use a calendar to schedule regular activities.

  • Keep the Same List for Days in a Row

If you have ADHD, it's likely that your mind will wander and you'll forget what you were working on or where items are located. To avoid this problem, use the same lists over several days so that they become routine and familiar.

Break It Down

  • Break down tasks into smaller steps. The first step to making a routine is breaking down the task you want to do into small, manageable chunks of time.

  • Break down tasks into chunks of time. The second step is breaking down those chunks of time into daily, weekly and monthly goals, weekly and monthly routines, weekly and monthly schedules.

  • If a task is too big or requires too much energy all at once (like writing an article) it is not something that you can do quickly with ADHD so break it up! There are many ways to do this:

Rely on Apps

Rely on technology.

There are a number of apps that can help you stay on track and make your routine easier to follow. The truly important ones are:

  • Todoist (iOS, Android) – this app is great for managing your tasks, whether they're large projects or small errands. You can set due dates and reminders, check off items once they're completed and sync with other devices so it's always available wherever you go.

  • Calm (iOS) – an app specifically designed as a meditation program for people with ADHD, Calm provides step-by-step instructions that guide you through a session without requiring much thought or decision making while allowing space for creativity within the exercises themselves (you don't have to listen to ocean sounds if it doesn't appeal!). The app will even fade out after each session ends so that there's no need for distractions like buzzing phone notifications when trying not only focus but also relax at peace throughout the day/night!

Anybody can create a framework that works for them, no matter the obstacles.

The key to making routines work for you is consistency. If you can stick to a specific routine and keep at it, then you are likely to see results in due time.

You may not be able to follow the same routine every day of your life, but that does not mean that a routine cannot work for you. You just need to find one that fits into your lifestyle and be patient with yourself as it evolves over time.

And remember: ADHD isn't something that only affects children or teenagers; adults can be affected by ADHD too!


Whatever your method or process, the key is to keep things consistent and work on making sure that your routine works for you. It’s important that everyone finds their own way of doing things so they can make sure they stay on top of their tasks and don’t get frustrated because something didn’t go according to plan. By following these tips we hope you will be able to create a routine that works for you!

- Break down tasks into smaller, manageable chunks
- Prioritize tasks and focus on one task at a time
- Set realistic goals and expectations
- Use visual reminders and alarms to stay on track
- Take regular breaks throughout the day
- Reward yourself for completing tasks
- Ask for help when needed
- Make use of organizational tools and apps
- Get plenty of rest and exercise

Having Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) doesn't have to mean that you can't stay organized and on track. By establishing a workable routine, you can manage ADHD, increase your productivity, and reduce your stress levels. Here is how to make a routine with ADHD.

First, break down your tasks into smaller, more achievable steps. Having a laundry list of tasks to complete can be overwhelming, but breaking them down into smaller pieces can make them seem more manageable. For example, if you have a project due, break it up into smaller chunks that you can work on one at a time.

Next, set reasonable goals and timelines. When setting goals, make sure they are achievable and attainable. It is also important to be realistic with the timeline of when you plan to complete the task. It is helpful to have a calendar to keep track of goals and timelines.

Finally, reward yourself after completing your tasks.

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