
Social psychology is one of the most popular and important fields of study in modern psychology. It examines how we think, feel, and act as individuals and members of groups. Social psychologists use an interdisciplinary approach to understand how people interact with each other on a daily basis, which can lead to some interesting results! Here are some movies about social psychology that will help you learn more about this fascinating field:

DEAD POETS SOCIETY- The movie examines the conflict between realism and romanticism as these contrasting ideals are presented to the students at an all boys preparatory school.

  • DEAD POETS SOCIETY- The movie examines the conflict between realism and romanticism as these contrasting ideals are presented to the students at an all boys preparatory school.

  • THE CURIOSITY MUSEUM- This film is based on a true story about the adventures of 19th century scientist Joseph Priestley, who discovers oxygen and attempts to create a scientific community in Leeds, England.

THE GAME- One of the OGs of social psychology plot lines, this movie explores some interesting aspects of social groups.

The Game is a 1999 drama film, based on the novel of the same name by David Mamet. It concerns three people who are part of a social experiment in which they are paired up as couples, with one person assigned as a "winner" and the other as "loser". The movie explores some interesting aspects of social groups and conformity through its plot line which centers around these characters' relationships with each other as well as their interactions within their own group.[1]

IDENTITY- Identity explores a number of interesting ideas, particularly in relation to social identity within groups.

Identity is a movie about identity and self-esteem. It explores the idea that we all have an inner self, but this inner self needs to be protected and nurtured so that it can grow. In order to do this, we need to feel accepted by other people in our own groups or groups like ours. We also need to be able to identify with those around us on some level, so they will accept us as well.

The main character struggles with these issues throughout the film because he doesn't fit into any group or society at all; he's just an individual who wants a place where he feels comfortable and accepted by others (even though he doesn't really know why).

movies about social psychology teach us more about how people think and act

Social psychology is the study of how people think and act. It deals with many aspects of social life, including how people interact with each other, and how they influence each other.

Movies about social psychology can help us understand these important topics better because they provide us with visual depictions of real behavior in our own lives. This means that movies about social psychology teach us more than just what we already know as students; they also encourage deeper thinking about our own lives in general.


Movies about social psychology are a great way to learn more about human behavior. These movies help us understand how people think and act, which can be useful when working with people on a daily basis. If you’re interested in learning more about these topics, there are many movies that cover them: DEAD POETS SOCIETY (1994), IDENTITY (2003), THE GAME (1997), and TURNING POINT (2004).

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