movies involving psychology


Psychology is the study of behavior, cognition, and emotion. It also involves learning how to understand and treat mental illness. The movies on this list explore different parts of psychology through their plots and characters.

Fight Club

Fight Club is about a man who is unhappy with his life and seeks relief by forming an underground fight club. The film explores the male psyche and how men deal with their emotions, while exploring themes such as identity crisis, suicide, relationships and self-improvement.

The main character forms a relationship with another man, who also wants out of his current job at a corporation that manufactures weapons for the military. He convinces him that he can achieve everything they’ve ever wanted if they join him in starting their own company together called Tyler Durden LLC. This movie explores topics such as consumerism (the idea of buying things just because you want them), escapism (going somewhere else), addiction (drugs) and violence against others (murders).


Repulsion is a 1963 film directed by Roman Polanski and starring Catherine Deneuve, Giorgio Albertazzi and John van Eyck. It tells the story of a young woman who has a breakdown due to her fear of men. Her family tries to help her but she still cannot get over her fear. The movie explores what it is like to have mental illness, how one can overcome them and how one’s mind works when under stress or pressure.

A Beautiful Mind

A Beautiful Mind is a biographical drama that follows John Nash, a brilliant economist and mathematician who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia in 1980. The film explores his life, with an emphasis on how his mental illness affected his work as well as the impact it had on him and those around him.

Nash's story is fascinating because it shows how someone can have such a severe mental illness and still be able to function at an extremely high level of intelligence while being completely unable to articulate what they're thinking or feeling. In addition to being nominated for several Oscars (including Best Picture), this film has become one of the most beloved movies about mental illness ever made—and it's easy to see why!

The Machinist

One of the most famous psychological movies is The Machinist. It's a thriller about insomnia and it stars Christian Bale as an unnamed character who can't sleep because he suffers from severe insomnia. The movie follows him through his day, which includes trying to find ways to get some rest before his next shift at work begins.

The film's main theme is how our minds work when we're not getting enough rest or are experiencing traumatic experiences such as car accidents. It also explores how these events can affect us mentally in ways we don't expect, like causing depression and anxiety disorders later on in life. This makes it relevant even today—it doesn't matter if you've experienced trauma yourself or not; everyone has something they need help dealing with emotionally after being exposed to something traumatic (whether it be physical or emotional).

Shutter Island

Shutter Island is a psychological thriller based on the novel by Dennis Lehane. It stars Leonardo DiCaprio and Mark Ruffalo as U.S Marshals who investigate an island for former patients at a psychiatric hospital, who may have committed murder during their stay there.

The film was released in 2010, directed by Martin Scorsese (who also directed The Departed).

Jacob's Ladder

The movie Jacob's Ladder is about a man who is haunted by the ghosts of his past. He has been struggling to understand what is happening to him and also with the loss of his family, who died in a car accident. The man has been suffering from insomnia for many years, but he cannot stop thinking about them.

He eventually learns that there may be something more than just coincidence behind all these things happening around him: there are actually spirits living in our world who can manipulate our minds and bodies through dreams and hallucinations if we allow them access - making it possible for them to take over one's body at night while one sleeps!

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

In Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, you'll find a plot that explores the psychology of Joel and Clementine. They are both in love with each other, but they've never met. In order to forget him, Joel undergoes a procedure called "the procedure" (or "the lobotomy"). After his memories are erased from his brain, he goes on to live out his fantasy life as if it were real. The movie explores how this process affects him psychologically—and how it could affect anyone else who has had their memory erased like this before!

In addition to exploring the effects of memory loss on individuals' lives, this film also examines its effects on society at large through a focus on societal behaviors like lying or cheating.

The Sixth Sense

The Sixth Sense is a film about a child psychologist who is hired to investigate a boy's strange behavior. He can see dead people and communicate with them, but he doesn't know why he can do this. Later on in the movie, it turns out that his psychic powers are actually due to some sort of supernatural force inside him—but how did this happen?

The answer lies in the fact that Bruce Willis' character Dr. Malcolm Crowe was not just an ordinary doctor; rather, he was also himself a ghost! When he died at age 35 from a heart attack during surgery (which led to his spirit haunting his own son), his soul became trapped within one of those "cloaked" spirits we mentioned earlier (i.e., ghosts). This explains why Bruce Willis' character could see into other dimensions or have visions from beyond death itself: because he's already dead!

And if you're wondering whether there are any movies where psychology plays an important role outside of horror films like Scream or The Ring series...well...there aren't many options out there right now because most movies don't involve psychology as much as they do action/adventure plots involving heroes fighting villains using weapons technology created by scientists working together under government supervision while trying not fall victim themselves under pressure from their superiors who want them fail so they fail without getting fired which would mean losing income etcetera etcetera ;-)

Black Swan

  • Black Swan is a 2010 psychological horror film written and directed by Darren Aronofsky.

  • It stars Natalie Portman as Nina Sayers, a ballerina who is cast in the role of The Black Swan after winning an audition. She must deal with the pressures of performing, along with her mother's expectations on her career path, while also exploring her mental state as she tries to cope with these various pressures.

  • The movie explores how such pressures may affect someone's mental health and wellbeing; for example, when Nina has trouble performing during rehearsals for Swan Lake (a ballet based on The Tales of Hoffmann), she begins seeing things that aren't there due to stress from work pressure.

Psychology can be used to explore what makes people tick and how their minds function.

Psychology is a useful tool for understanding human behavior and how our minds function. It can also help us understand why people make the decisions they do, which may be helpful in explaining their actions or helping them change them if necessary.

Psychology is a field that studies human behaviors, thoughts and feelings by looking at their underlying causes or mechanisms (e.g., biological, environmental). The term "psychology" comes from Ancient Greek roots meaning “to think well”; however it is not limited to just thinking about ourselves alone as some may think!


The use of psychology in movies is a good way to explore the human mind, and it can be done in many different ways. The best part is that there’s no right or wrong way to use it, so you can make your own movie!

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