Who is a Modern Day Polymath


Polymaths are the ultimate jack-of-all-trades who combine the skills from many different fields. They're known for their ability to be good at everything and do anything. I would hazard a guess that if someone told you that they had an idea of what a modern day polymath was, you would probably think of someone like Leonardo Da Vinci or Albert Einstein—someone whose intelligence seems beyond human comprehension (and perhaps it is). But what if I told you there were new age polymaths? People who have combined their skills into one field so seamlessly that they could not be classified in any one category? Who are these people? What are their specialties? How did they come up with all these incredible skills? In this article, we'll explore what makes a modern day polytext so unique as well as why they're important to our society today.

A little bit of a lot of things

Polymaths are people who are experts in many different fields. In today's sense of the word, this usually means someone with a wide range of interests and can be applied to anyone from Bill Nye to Neil deGrasse Tyson.

But it isn't just about being an expert in more than one field; some polymaths actually aren't experts at all! They're simply well-rounded individuals who have been exposed to many things throughout their life—but they don't necessarily know everything about anything yet. For example, if you were born during WWII and grew up on a farm during the 1950s, there's not much chance for you to become a master of any particular field (unless farming somehow became your passion). But that doesn't mean that you wouldn't spend your time reading books as a child; maybe one day you'll grow up loving cooking or writing or politics because those things touched your heart while growing up!

Renaissance Man

Renaissance man is a term used to describe someone who has broad knowledge and interests. The term was first used in the 19th century to describe men of wide learning, especially those with an interest in several fields of study (such as art, science and philosophy).

In this day and age, renaissance men are still around but they're not always recognized for what they are. You might know one or two people who seem like renaissance men themselves—maybe even yourself!


Albert Einstein was a polymath. He made contributions to both physics and mathematics, but he also had interests in philosophy, history and even music.

He is known for his theory of relativity (among many other things). This theory changed our understanding of how space and time interact with each other. And it led to some pretty important inventions: GPS systems, lasers and MRI machines all use principles from Einstein's work on relativity.

The New Age of Polymaths

You've probably heard the term "polymath" before, but what does it mean? A polymath is someone who knows a lot about a lot of different things. They possess knowledge across multiple disciplines and can use that knowledge to make a difference in the world, whether it be through science, politics or art.

In today’s world, we have many polymaths—people who know a lot about many different things—and they are constantly learning more every day. They've learned how to use technology much faster than previous generations so they can learn more efficiently than ever before. Because of this rapid learning ability, these people are able to master new skills at an unprecedented rate and quickly become experts on any given topic.

Leonardo Da Vinci

You may know Leonardo Da Vinci as a painter and sculptor. But did you know he was also an architect, mathematician, engineer and musician? The man who painted the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper was also responsible for some of the most ingenious inventions of his time.

The term “polymath” refers to someone who is skilled in multiple fields or disciplines. In 1452, Leonardo Da Vinci wrote about a polymath in his Codex Atlanticus: “I can do all things if I believe I can.”

His contributions to art history include works such as The Virgin of the Rocks (1483), Annunciation (1918) and many more that have been displayed throughout museums around the globe for centuries—including at The National Gallery in London where one can see two paintings depicting angels playing musical instruments—one singing while another plays a lute (pictured above).

A Little Bit of a Lot of Things

  • A polymath is a person who has a wide variety of skills and knowledge.

  • Polymaths are often called Renaissance men or women, because they can do many things well. They are usually highly educated, with an expert knowledge in at least one area (often their profession) but also have enough interest to pursue other interests such as art, music and literature.

  • Many polymaths will spend a great deal of time studying or working on projects that help bring attention to their work in the hope that it will be recognized by others as valuable and worthy of appreciation.

The modern day polymath is the ultimate jack-of-all-trades who combines the skills from many different fields.

The modern day polymath is the ultimate jack-of-all-trades who combines the skills from many different fields. The term "polymath" was first used in the 16th century to describe an individual who excelled at multiple subjects and could gain expertise in any field. In recent years, polymaths have become increasingly rare and are often associated with geniuses like Leonardo Da Vinci, Albert Einstein, and Renaissance Men of science like Isaac Newton.

The modern definition of a polymath has evolved over time but it generally involves having a deep knowledge of multiple subjects while being able to discuss them in depth on any given topic.


The modern day polymath is the ultimate jack-of-all-trades who combines the skills from many different fields. In today's world, this person can be a great asset to any company or organization by contributing their diverse skill set and talents to help improve efficiency and productivity for everyone involved. Whether you're interested in learning how to become one yourself or just want some inspiration from some famous polymaths throughout history then check out our list below!

A polymath is someone who is knowledgeable and skilled in multiple fields. Here are 10 modern day polymaths who have achieved success in various disciplines:
  • Shakuntala Devi – Maths Genius, Writer, Astrologer
  • Elon Musk – Inventor, Engineer, Entrepreneur
  • Stephen Hawking – Theoretical Physicist, Cosmologist, Author
  • Bill Nye – Scientist, Engineer, Television Host
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson – Astrophysicist, Science Communicator, Author
  • Avi Loeb – Astronomer, Physicist, Philosopher
  • Barack Obama – Politician, Lawyer, Author
  • Steve Jobs – Entrepreneur, Investor, Inventor
  • Tim Berners-Lee – Computer Scientist, Inventor Of The World Wide Web
  • Albert Einstein – Theoretical Physicist, Philosopher, Humanitarian

A polymath is someone who has expertise in multiple fields of study. A modern day polymath might be a person who is an expert in multiple fields of science, or a person who is an expert in both the arts and sciences. A modern day polymath might also be a person who is an expert in multiple fields of business.


A polymath is someone who is knowledgeable in multiple disciplines or fields. Here are 50 modern day polymaths who have made a major impact in the world today:

  • Elon Musk: entrepreneur, investor, engineer
  • Mark Cuban: entrepreneur, investor, TV personality
  • Stephen Hawking: physicist, cosmologist, author
  • Bill Gates: entrepreneur, philanthropist, technology pioneer
  • Tim Berners-Lee: computer scientist, inventor, internet pioneer
  • Oprah Winfrey: media mogul, philanthropist, actor
  • Neil deGrasse Tyson: astrophysicist, author, science communicator
  • Steve Jobs: entrepreneur, innovator, computer scientist
  • Arianna Huffington: entrepreneur, media executive, author
  • Larry Page: entrepreneur, computer scientist, investor
  • Richard Branson: entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist
  • Sergey Brin: entrepreneur, computer scientist, investor
  • Ted Turner: entrepreneur, media executive, philanthropist
  • Bill Nye: science communicator, TV host, author
  • Alan Turing: computer scientist, mathematician, cryptologist
  • Jane Goodall: primatologist, anthropologist, conservationist
  • Marie Curie: physicist, chemist, Nobel laureate
  • Stephen Wolfram: computer scientist, physicist, software developer
  • Steven Spielberg: filmmaker, producer, screenwriter
  • Larry Ellison: entrepreneur, investor, philanthropist
  • Jimmy Wales: entrepreneur, internet pioneer, Wikipedia founder
  • David Attenborough: broadcaster, naturalist, conservationist
  • Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Supreme Court Justice, legal scholar, feminist
  • Benjamin Franklin: scientist, inventor, statesman
  • Neil Gaiman: author, comic book writer, screenwriter
  • J.K. Rowling: author, philanthropist, film producer
  • Lin-Manuel Miranda: composer, lyricist, playwright
  • John F. Kennedy: US President, civil rights activist, Cold War leader
  • Paul Krugman: economist, Nobel laureate, New York Times columnist
  • Francis Crick: biologist, molecular biologist, Nobel laureate
  • Isaac Newton: mathematician, physicist, astronomer
  • George Washington: US President, soldier, revolutionary
  • Elon Reeve Musk: inventor, entrepreneur, engineer
  • David Bowie: musician, actor

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