Self Actualization According to Maslow


Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs is a theory that says people have three basic needs that must be met in order for them to reach self-actualization. It's an important concept, as it shows us how we can help our fellow humans reach their full potential by meeting those needs ourselves first. In this post, I'll go into detail on each part of Maslow's hierarchy and explain why they're so important in the process of human development.

Having a whole heart

Although Maslow's hierarchy of needs is about self-actualization, it can also be applied to other areas of life. For example, you might find yourself having a difficult time getting out of bed in the morning because you're not fully satisfied with your current lifestyle. While this may be frustrating and unfulfilling, if you really want to change things up and make some positive changes in your life, then there are steps that will help bring these things about:

  • Being open to new experiences - This means being willing to try different things and see what works best for you. It also means being willing to change your perspective on things as well as how they relate back onto each other (e.g., if one thing doesn't work out so well then maybe another won't either). When we let go of our preconceptions about certain situations or people being unable meet expectations then we can learn lessons from them while still retaining the positive aspects from each experience.*

  • Being able see the world from different perspectives - This involves seeing both sides rather than just one side only; it includes having empathy towards others who have different perspectives than yours do affect their behavior towards others differently depending upon their own unique experiences within society.*

Being compassionate towards yourself and others

Compassion is a key component of self-actualization, as Maslow points out in his writings. We all have the capacity to feel compassion for ourselves and others. However, it's important not to confuse compassion with pity or self-pity—these feelings can lead us down a path away from happiness and fulfillment in life.

Being compassionate towards yourself involves understanding your own needs and wants as well as being aware of the ways you may be holding yourself back from achieving these things by living according to outdated or negative mental models about what constitutes success (or happiness). It also involves being able to recognize when someone else is feeling hurtful towards you so that you can intervene without becoming defensive or reactive. Finally, it means being able to take action toward making changes within yourself so that you don't continue down this same path again!


As Maslow pointed out, self actualization involves being true to yourself. When you allow yourself to be your authentic self, you will be able to achieve the highest levels of growth and development.

To do this, you must learn how to:

  • Be honest about who you are and what your goals are in life

  • Don't let other people tell you who they think or want for yourself

  • Be open-minded about new ideas and experiences in life


Creativity is the ability to think of new ideas, or ways of solving problems. Creativity is a way of seeing the world that allows you to make connections between things that others can't see. It's not about being original; rather it's about thinking in new ways about things you already know with an eye toward using those connections as tools for solving problems or making something better than what was before.

Accordingly, creativity isn't just limited by how much knowledge you have—it's also limited by your ability to see connections between things that others don't see and how they relate back together into one cohesive whole (elements forming wholes). For example: imagine if someone asked you "What's the difference between dry ice and carbon dioxide?" You might respond with an answer like "Dry ice comes from natural sources while carbon dioxide is produced artificially by humans." But if they ask another question: "What makes dry ice different from regular carbon dioxide?" Your answer could be something along these lines: “The physical properties are different because they have different molecular structures and chemical bonds within them."

Being willing to change your perspective and beliefs when you have new information

When you have new information, be willing to change your perspective and beliefs.

  • For example: If you hear that an old friend is wrong about something, it can be helpful to ask them what they think they know that's different from the way you see things now. This can help you understand why they feel so strongly about the issue or dispute in question and what their motivations might be for holding onto those beliefs.

  • If a friend tells you something good about yourself, try not taking it as gospel (even though sometimes we do). You may find out later that they were mistaken; if this happens then listen carefully when others explain how they came across evidence which contradicts what was said at face value by someone else who assumed he/she knew best!

Seeing the world as interconnected instead of separated

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a good place to start, but it's not enough. As you begin your journey toward self-actualization, you'll need to see yourself as part of something bigger than your own individual problems and goals. You're not just an individual with a set of wants and needs; you're part of a community that has its own needs and wants as well. This means understanding how and why other people are important in your life, how they fit into the larger picture—and what role each person plays in helping others achieve their own goals.

For example: if there were no parents raising children today because they were all killed by viruses or asteroids (or whatever), then we'd still have children who weren't raised by their biological parents but instead had surrogate parents who took care of them while they grew up under someone else's roof (like John or Jane). These kids would miss out on some crucial early childhood experience like being able to walk or talk at age 2 months old; but even so these kids would still be able to grow up happy because their new guardians cared about them despite never having any genetic connection whatsoever!

Questioning the rules you've been given to live by in order to see what really works for you

Questioning the rules you've been given to live by in order to see what really works for you.

Questioning the rules is important because it's an opportunity for self-actualization. If you don't question your own beliefs, then you won't be able to learn anything new about yourself and the world around you. When we get stuck in a rut, it can feel like there are no options left but staying where we are—but this isn't always true! We often have more choices than we think (even if they're just different ones). By asking ourselves questions about why something has happened or what might happen next, we can keep our minds open so that ideas can flow freely from within us into our lives instead of being forced out through negative thoughts or feelings such as anger or sadness."

Practice these things, and you will be able to make a genuine contribution to the world.

Self-actualization is a process, not an end goal. It's not just about the end result of achieving your goals and dreams; it's about how you get there. You have to practice these things and make them part of your daily life in order for this process to work for you. And even if you don't think so now, having new information can change how we see things and our perspectives on everything from ourselves as individuals (who we are), relationships with others (what kind of people they are), society as whole (how it works).


If we can maintain the awareness that everything around us is interconnected and that we are one with the universe, then we have a better chance of self-actualization.

Keep Reading

1. 18 Inspiring and Enchanting Self Actualization Examples given by Abraham Maslow Himself

 2. Self Actualization Meaning: Why is it different for Different People?

3. 9 Fascination Self Actualization Examples for Everyone who loves Psychology

4. 70 Legendary Self Actualization Quotes to help you in your Self Actualization Journey 

5. Self Actualization Journey: 6 Things you can do in the next 24 Hours to kick start your Self Actualization Journey

6. Self Actualization Assignment: How to nail it? Foolproof tips from a Self Actualization Expert 

7. 7 Pleasant and Entertaining Self Actualization  ppt to level up your presentations and impress everyone.

8. 97 Self Actualization Synonyms you probably did not know about 

9. What Abraham Maslow really said about Self Actualization: A Collection of Maslow quotes about Self Actualization 

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