Self Actualization Needs


The self-actualization needs are a developmental stage that people go through in order to reach their full potential, according to psychologist Abraham Maslow. Self-actualization is the fulfillment of one's own potential, or realizing one's full capabilities and desires. In order to reach self-actualization, individuals need to fulfill each of five categories: truth, meaning, justice/fairness, beauty/order and creativity/spontaneity.


You have the need to know how things really are. You want to know the truth, even if it is unpleasant or hard to face. You may find yourself wondering why certain things happen and trying to figure out their meaning. Your need for truth can often be stressful, but when you do get answers, you feel a sense of relief and peace about them.

You also desire freedom from deception and manipulation; this means that you don't like being lied to (even by yourself) or taken advantage of! In fact, it's not uncommon for people with high self-actualization needs to be skeptical about others' motives until proven otherwise—and even then they're still wary!

When your self-actualization needs aren't met: If your need for truth isn't satisfied at work (or anywhere else), you'll likely become very frustrated because there will always seem like something isn't right or just doesn't add up somewhere in your life. This leads us into our next section on authenticity...


Meaning is the need to find meaning in life. It's the desire to know the purpose of life and of existence. To have a sense of direction, a sense that what you're doing matters and makes a difference. When this need isn't met, it can result in feelings of emptiness, futility and frustration about not knowing what your life means or why you're here on Earth, which can lead to depression or even suicide.

This need has been called many things over the years: "the quest for self-fulfillment", "self-actualization" (Maslow), or simply "the question".


This is the need to be treated fairly and equally. If you have this need, you will feel upset if you are not treated as well as others or if someone else gets more than you do. If a boss gives one employee a raise and not another for no apparent reason, the employee who was not given the raise might become angry or frustrated. This person may feel that he/she has been treated unfairly because they were doing their job just as well as the other person (or even better).

A person with this need may also get upset when there is an unequal distribution of resources in society. They would want an equal share of everything from food to money to power so that everyone gets what they deserve according to their ability and effort put into life's activities


People with this need have a strong appreciation for beauty and order. They often idealize the past and believe that things were better then, in terms of values, morals and social structure.

People with this need also tend to be attracted to balance, symmetry and perfectionism in their lives. Their life can become chaotic if they don't keep up with certain tasks or duties. In addition, they may feel overwhelmed by clutter or disarray in their environment because it feels wrong to them on a fundamental level.

People who are high in this need are usually drawn towards aesthetics such as art, music and dance (or other creative outlets). They may enjoy creating beautiful things themselves; some examples might include writing poetry or making crafts out of recycled materials (e.g., old newspaper).


Creativity and spontaneity are a part of what it means to be self-actualized. To be creative means being able to come up with new ideas, think outside the box, or look at an issue from a different angle.

Spontaneity is acting on your impulses. It’s about saying “yes” when everyone else says “no” and doing things in life that make you happy without worrying about what others will say or think about it.

If you are self-actualized enough, you may feel the need to express yourself through art (writing poetry or painting), music (playing instruments), dance (jazzercise), or another form of creativity. While this isn't always possible because not everyone has time to participate in such activities anymore thanks to our busy schedules today, these talents show that someone is truly self-actualized if they have them!


The need for autonomy is the desire to be self-determined and self-reliant. It's about independence, being able to make your own choices and decisions in life without being dependent on others for your well-being.

Autonomy can also mean having a sense of control over yourself and what happens in your life. You're not controlled by anything or anyone else—not even yourself! In other words, you don't let others rule you; instead, you live life on your terms by following your own path.

This means that if someone wants something from you—whether it's a request or an order—they will have to ask first before getting it. If they don't ask, then they can't get anything at all! For example: "Can I borrow some money?" vs "Give me $20." The second sentence is more autonomous because there isn't any room for negotiation here; either they get what they want or they don't get anything at all (and probably won't ask again).

Self Actualization Needs

Self-actualization is the need to be self-aware, to be authentic to oneself. It's the need for personal growth, self-fulfillment, and self-realization. It's the desire to feel that one's life is meaningful and significant.


So, to wrap it up, self actualization needs are a group of human needs that have been identified by psychologists and other experts in the field. They include truth (connecting with others), meaning (connecting with yourself), justice (being treated fairly), beauty/order (experiencing harmony within the world around you), creativity/spontaneity (expressing your unique talents). Autonomy (being in charge of your own life direction) is also found in this category.

Keep Reading

1. 18 Inspiring and Enchanting Self Actualization Examples given by Abraham Maslow Himself

 2. Self Actualization Meaning: Why is it different for Different People?

3. 9 Fascination Self Actualization Examples for Everyone who loves Psychology

4. 70 Legendary Self Actualization Quotes to help you in your Self Actualization Journey 

5. Self Actualization Journey: 6 Things you can do in the next 24 Hours to kick start your Self Actualization Journey

6. Self Actualization Assignment: How to nail it? Foolproof tips from a Self Actualization Expert 

7. 7 Pleasant and Entertaining Self Actualization  ppt to level up your presentations and impress everyone.

8. 97 Self Actualization Synonyms you probably did not know about 

9. What Abraham Maslow really said about Self Actualization: A Collection of Maslow quotes about Self Actualization 

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