He feels so out of place,

His heart is filled with fear,

His mind is a mess,

He's not sure what to do.

His social skills are lacking,

He's not sure how to act,

He's so lost and confused,

He's so socially awkward.

He avoids conversations,

And he's always the last to speak,

He doesn't know what to say,

He's so socially awkward.

He's always the one who's left out,

He's always the one who's ignored,

He's always the one who's forgotten,

He's so socially awkward.

He's so scared of making mistakes,

He's so scared of being judged,

He's so scared of being seen,

He's so socially awkward.

He's so scared of being wrong,

He's so scared of being laughed at,

He's so scared of being wrong,

He's so socially awkward.

He's so scared of being alone,

He's so scared of being rejected,

He's so scared of being left out,

He's so socially awkward.

He's so scared of being different,

He's so scared of being judged,

He's so scared of being seen,

He's so socially awkward.

But he's not alone,

There are others just like him,

There are others who understand,

And can help him find his way.

He can learn new skills,

He can practice and grow,

He can find his place in the world,

And make the most of it.

He can be brave and confident,

He can take risks and try new things,

He can find his place in the world,

And make the most of it.

He can find his own way,

He can find his own path,

He can find his own place in the world,

And make the most of it.

Keep Reading

Socially Awkward Extrovert

Socially Awkward

Socially Awkward Examples

Socially Awkward Definition

Socially Awkward Behavior

Socially Awkward Disorder

Socially Awkward Introvert

Socially Awkward Signs

Socially Awkward Synonyms

Socially Awkward Celebrities

He is so Socially Awkward, What Can He do? (Poem)

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