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Research Study about Positivity (Positive Thinking)#1

Research Study about Positivity and Better  Work Performance

There is proof, spanning many decades of research, indicating the performance of employees and organizations positively correlates with the subjective well-being (SWB) of workers, including life satisfaction, job satisfaction, and positive affect. Read more about this research study here.

 Research Study about Positivity (Positive Thinking)#2

Research Study about Positivity and Academic Achievement

Positive psychology traits were more prevalent in high achievers than low achievers, and boys scored higher on perceived authenticity than girls did. Findings suggest that positive psychology-inspired concepts can be used to explain academic accomplishment and motivation.

Read more about this research study here.

 Research Study about Positivity (Positive Thinking)#3

Research Study about Positivity and Resilience

Positive emotions have been studied for more than thirty years by Barbara Fredrickson, a professor of psychology and the director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill. Her study demonstrates that those with a positive outlook are more resilient and are able to overcome challenges more rapidly. Based on her findings, she created the broaden-and-build hypothesis, which focuses on using positive emotions to address problems related to growth and development rather than survival.

Research Study about Positivity (Positive Thinking)#4

Research Study about Positivity and Heart Disease

A study at John Hopkins University by Lisa R. Yanek and her colleagues demonstrated that, A heart attack or other cardiovascular incident occurred one-third less frequently among those with a family history of heart disease who also had a good perspective than in people with a more pessimistic view within the next five to 25 years.

Read more about this research study at John Hopkins Medicine Website.

Research Study about Positivity (Positive Thinking)#5

Research Study about Positive thinking and Work Engagement in Teachers

Specifically, teachers with a higher ratio of positive to negative emotions reported more engagement (dedication, absorption, and vigor) and in consequence higher levels of subjective well-being (autonomy, environmental mastery, personal growth, self-acceptance, positive relations with others and purpose in life). 

Read more about this research study here.

Positive thinking is a powerful tool that can help you overcome obstacles and achieve your goals. When you adopt a positive mindset, you set your expectations in a positive direction and focus on the things that are positive and motivational. This can help you to be more optimistic and less pessimistic, which can lead to better decision making and improved outcomes.

One of the best ways to start practicing positive thinking is to identify your thoughts and feelings around negative situations. Ask yourself what is making you feel negative and why. Once you understand the source of your negative thoughts, it will be easier to challenge them and replace them with more positive thoughts.

Another way to start practicing positive thinking is to focus on your goals. What are you hoping to achieve? What are your long-term goals? What are the steps that you need to take to get there? Once you have a clear picture of your goals, it will be easier to stay motivated and focused on your goal.

Read more about Positivity, Positive Energy and Positive Thoughts

1. Types of Positive Thoughts

2. Description of a Positive Person

3. Signs of Positive Energy in Home

4. Positivity and some Positive Infographic

5. Research Studies about Positivity

6. Positive Thinking Real Life Examples

7. Create Positive Energy Around You

8. Positive Aura and Positive Colors

9. Attract Positive Energy

10. Creating Positive Energy in Workplace

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